Whale watch in the Bay of Fundy off Digby Neck in southwestern Nova Scotia
(Photo credit: novascotia.com)
(Photo credit: novascotia.com)
Where do you usually think of going when you're planning your time off from work? (And please tell us that you use up your allotted vacation days each year—every CCG deserves a break!) Are Canadian destinations ever on your list? If not, perhaps it's time to reconsider your holiday options. For travel ideas, check out Top 5 Canadian Experiences on the Lonely Planet website. And these are just a few suggestions as we're sure there are plenty of more. After all, we live in one of the most beautiful and geographically diverse countries in the world!
Click here to read the entire article or copy and paste the link below into your Web browser:
Do you agree with the recommendations? Share with us your top picks of where to go in Canada in the Comments section.
CCG Giveaway Alert!*
Click through to find out what we think of Discover Canada, a new guidebook from Lonely Planet and for your chance to win your very own copy!

Gem of a Guidebook
Want to get to know the real Canada? The Lonely Planet Discover Canada 1st Edition guidebook by Karla Zimmerman (Lonely Planet Publications) is an ideal resource for those who want to experience the best parts of our home and native land. The full-colour guide is filled with must-see highlights of the country to accommodate any budget or time frame. Our favourite features of the book include suggested itineraries to simplify trip-planning trip, recommendations from local experts, as well as a pull-out map of Vancouver. And since Lonely Planet authors visit the places they write about, we can rest assured this guidebook is going to give us the real story on destinations across the country.
$27.99 CDN (paperback) at Amazon.ca
CCG Giveaway Alert!*
Hey CCG Fans, we're giving one lucky reader a copy of the Lonely Planet Discover Canada 1st Edition guidebook! All you have to do is head over to the Canadian Career Gal Facebook page, "Like" our page and tell us what your favourite Canadian destination is (it can be a city, restaurant, café, store, anything you've visited in your travels or right in your hometown). You'll then be automatically entered into a random draw for a chance to win the Discover Canada guidebook. To be eligible for the draw, be sure to post your answer on our Facebook page by next Monday (July 4th) at 8 PM (EST).
Winner will be announced on our Facebook page, as well as right here on the official CCG site so check back with us after the contest closing time to see if you won. Good luck!
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