Profession: Teaching Professional, C.P.G.A. & L.P.G.A Class A
Describe your typical work day, from start to finish
Well, firstly I practice what I preach... so I workout and/or do my golf specific conditioning exercises. Then it's off to the Northview Golf Academy in Surrey, BC. Once on site, I work with my schedule of clients, schedule new clients, and assist any clients that may be on-site practicing. Northview Golf Academy is also home of the Titleist Regional Fitting Centre for BC and as the Lead Fitter at Northview, I am continuously fielding fitting requests and booking these appointments in as well. I also develop customized programs for my clients and junior golfers and constantly study our industry trends of golf equipment as well as coaching topics.
When you were a kid, what did you want to grow up to be?
I really did not know what I wanted to be when I was a kid, but I did know that I really wanted to be independent!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What I enjoy most about my work is seeing a client reach for their goals and enjoy themselves in the process.
What do you find to be the biggest challenge in your profession?
It's a man's world... seems that it always was and may very well continue that way... so I simply follow my passion and don't use this as an excuse for my setbacks.
Do you believe you had a "calling" for your profession?
I believe I was meant to be a guide of sorts; one who recognizes that each and every person is relevant.
What are the three most important pieces of career advice you would give to other Canadian Career Gals?
Sometimes we find our passion, other times it appears to find us; but when you come to realize what it is go for it as life is precious and short!
Become an expert in your chosen field, but remember that the ability to communicate, relate and connect with people is paramount in your journey.
Stand up and stick up for yourself at all times!
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